The art of science, science and art
Professor Raoul Frese, born in 1969 in Amsterdam-The Netherlands, is a scientist in biophysics at the VU University in Amsterdam.
Ivan Henriques is a transdisciplinary artist and researcher, examining living systems.
With this project, Henriques won the NEW FACE AWARD in the 18th Japan Media Arts Festival.
Algae powered robot.
*NEWS* Symbiotic machine receives honorary mention at Ars Electronica - The Next Idea Voestalpine Art and Technology award.
The Algae Powered Robot (APR) is a floating robot that autonomously searches for photosynthetic material in the form of algae. The algae or small plants are being processed by the robot and utilized as photoactive material for its solar panels. The idea to create a machine that manipulates photosynthesis in order to power itself came from scientist Raoul Frese and artist Ivan Henriques.
(from left to right, Raoul Frese and Ivan Henriques)