Diane Bond

DIANE BOND was born in Hollywood/USA in the mid forties, she proceeded by horseback through the fifties in the Colorado Rockies and in the First part of the 60’s she returned to Hollywood, where she flew from a trapeze into cinema, and from one set to another, until she migrated to Rome/Italy in 1966 ( filmography www.IMDb.com ).
By 1976 she graduated from the academy of Belli Arti di Brera and the School of Applied Arts of Castello Sforzesco both in Milan, where she still loves to learn and learns to love in Italy.
Her passion for art revealed, she commenced her research for the Italian women artist in the past and participated with the Italian women artists in the present, in groups, galleries, squares and schools.
Diane Bond published a colouring book, makes dolls, is a painter and a writer, she also presents her work in serigrafs.
born in Italy in the 70's where Diane Bond, an expat from Hollywood lives since 1967.
The desire to relate through humour and form in order to entertain inborn notions/emotions which help guide us to connecting to ourselves and as a consequence to others.